Hurricanes, one of the most destructive forces in nature, are capable of causing severe damage and costing several million in recovery efforts. With lakes and ponds at their most vulnerable and easily damaged, we wanted to provide you with tips on hurricane preparation so you know what to expect and to help avoid any adverse effects in your lake or pond.
An In-Depth Analysis On Hurricanes
Hurricanes, also known as cyclones and typhoons, form near the equator over warm ocean waters. There are only three components that cause a storm to form: warm water, moist warm air and light upper winds.
Hurricanes start when warm, moist air from the ocean surface begins to rise rapidly, encountering colder air and causing the warm water vapor to condense and form clouds and drops of rain.
Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. However, the National Hurricane Center identifies mid-August through late October as peak time during the season.
Hurricane’s Impact On Fish Population
A hurricane can adversely impact fish due to tidal flooding, rising freshwater levels from unwarranted rains and the pollution from water runoffs in rivers, lakes and ponds. Organic material and runoff polluted with waste products and agricultural chemicals can form dead zones in lakes and rivers. Ocean algae blooms, caused by stormy waters, can harm some species of fish and make the water hazardous for humans. Storm heave from the ocean raises salinity levels in estuaries, which creates an unfavorable environment for many of the species of fish that generally call this area home.
Therefore, proper lake maintenance and hurricane preparation will in time save you a ton of damage.
Hurricane Preparation Tips and Tricks To Keep Your Aquatic Spaces Safe and Healthy
Florida is one of the states most susceptible to tropical storms and hurricanes. Although you may have your safety plan in place, it is our earnest responsibility to enlighten and guide you with our lake or pond maintenance tips. Below are some measures on what you can do to prepare your lake or pond for the storm.
- Turn off the fountain, fish feeders or aeration system installed, if you notice water level rising in the ponds.
- To control the flow of water and diminish potential flooding in your neighborhood, clear your ditches, inlets and outlets. Make sure the pond borders are clean and free of blockages.
- Inspect the entire pond embankment for depressions or muskrat holes that could overflow, causing erosion.
- Remove as much floating debris or vegetation from the pond surface as you can.
- Install debris guards on vertical standpipe outlets.
- Keep your tools handy and have an adequate supply of fuel before the storm as fuel may be short in supply after the storm.
- Trim up those weeds and trees that obstruct the spillways. Make sure the water has an ample amount of space to flow through the emergency spillway.
- Bag yard the waste so that it does not end up in nearby ponds or covering storm drains.
- Be extra careful if you have any yard items or potted plants that can be blown away or carried away by water flow.
- Remove and relocate all your fishing necessities like fishing nets, barrels, boats, chairs, fishing feeder away from the shoreline so that it does not wash into the lake.
Lake Maintenance After the Storm
Consider aerating the lake after the storm as the fish face severe oxygen deficiency. The oxygen created during the day is consumed by lake organisms at night, leaving none for the fish who are often spotted gasping for air at the surface. Therefore it is best to pump the lake at night. Another option is to create currents in the lake by spraying the water at least four feet above the lake surface so that before falling into the lake, the fish can absorb as much oxygen from the air, or using an outboard motor to create currents and waves in the lake.
“Prepare and Prevent, Don’t Repair and Repent.”
The more you prepare before the storm, the less damage your water may suffer once the hurricane has passed. It is never too late to start your lake and pond hurricane preparation!
We hope our tips help you in your lake maintenance before and after the storm. Call our experts for more details and appropriate guidance and help.